- Volume 14 -

A collection of verse

by Dahni


Dedication -


Women everywhere

from all time

for all time


Thank you all

For all you have done

For all you do

For all you shall do




 By Arman Sicova, editor for I-Magine Publications

   This most beautiful and marvelous creature called Woman has touched every life!  There would be none to have written this or to read here without her.  This work is a celebration of Woman and to honor women.  The poems composed have been deeply felt by the author and deeply move this reader.  These poems could have been written for mother, daughter, sister, lover or friend.  Much of the multiplicity of a woman's uniqueness are ensconced within these pages.  A woman is many things and even Dahni would say these pages may only capture a glimpse of her.

    There are so many beautiful analogies, comparisons and figures of speech used within these pages to showcase this glory called, Woman.  Such treatments and symbols as "blush" and the poem entitled 'The Apron' speak of Woman's uniqueness and of HOME.

     It is difficult if not impossible to imagine a home without the woman that makes it a home!

    The beauty of a woman, her service to family, friend, lover and mankind are written here.  So often when we think of something sweet and tender, we think of wine and roses. Dahni frequently uses these familiar things to describe something sweeter and even more tendered.  For as long as time, in art and music and all forms of the communicated word, Women have been displayed.  Most of all these have spoken of the femininity, the uniqueness and the mystery of women.  This work is no different in its attempt to do the same, but it does shed light upon understanding a woman, the effects she has upon a man and her contributions to making life so much more than just bare existence.

    These pages show the passion that is inspired of women. They show how woman is so empowered to make a man once "in the rough," to become a diamond.  The definitions of what a woman or a man is, has long been debated, but great insight can be found here.

    This work is a celebration of women yes, but it is also to honor them and especially those that have meant so much to the author.  There are no women from Dahni's immediate family that remain alive. His mother passed away in 1989 too early and she preceded her own mother in death two years later.  I only mention this deep felt and personal information about Dahni, to give greater emphasis to his own words that follow:

 "Of all the many wonders, the gifts, the inspiration, the passion,

the energy, the most profound and greatest moments of my life,

they have come by the touch of a woman!"


    A woman is shown in this work as mother, friend and lover among many other aspects of the life she lives.  Her compassion, empathy, sensuality and sexuality are written of here. Dahni writes not of separate women, but of the many facets that define every woman.

   In writing this collection and exposing perhaps some of the hidden mystery of women, at the same time it reveals much about the nature and of men. 

    In all of Dahni's works, he seeks and is successful in entertaining the reader and in building the mind and the heart of the reader.  Our world is an ever-changing and often violent planet. Greed and lust seem normal and are commonly touted as the icons for success in our day and time.  Dahni dares to be different in praise instead of condemnation.  He honors instead of criticizing.  He builds up instead of tearing down. The eyes of his heart often find such beauty where many see nothing, but the vile and worthless.  In trying to communicate this by entertaining the reader, much can also be learned from his words about life itself.  This collection not only does all of this, but it shows why it is and from whence it came.  That Dear Reader, is from these wonderful creatures named Women.  They bring to us the passion and grace for life and the reason this work was written. She is called Woman! 

    Read this work and enjoy it. Take it deeply into your being.  May this work inspire you to honor the women in your own lives, whomever she might be!  In so honoring her, your praise seems so small a token to inspire her to continue.  What would life be worth without her?  This work would have never been written, edited, published or enjoyed without -






Table of Contents

 1.   Woman
2.   Port of Recall
3.   Always something more
4.   Sands of time
5.   Lake Trip I, II, III
6.   Unfettered
7.   If I could be…
8.   Kindness
9.   The Steam Spangled Banner
10. I'm Packing
11. Cobalt Blue
12. Sun & Moon
13. Addendum
14. Inkwell
15. Without Scent or Blush
16. The faces of Love
17. Change
18. Shadow Dancing
19. Ax & Tree
20. Blues born
21. Sweet Dreams
22. A cool sip of water
23. The Strength of Tender
24. Cry for an Open Door
25. Fleur de La Ruisseau (Flower of the brook)
26. Pure Music
27. The Ides of March
28. Empath
29. Bottle
30. Masterpiece
31. Violin
32. The Colors of Eve
33. The Apron
34. Solstice of soul
35. 1,000 Candles
36. Super sternal notch
37. Blush
38. Butter
39. Lingerie
40. Strawberry Blush
41. The Wonder of Not new
42. Journey to the Center of the Earth
43. Desperately Seeking…
44. Breathe In
45. The making of a diamond (a girl's best friend)
46. Missed Opportunity
47. Not Once
48. Living Photography
49. Gift of Grace
50. Seasons of Life


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